CustomersFilter: {
    customerGroupIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>;
    customerGroupKeys?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"][]>;
    isMarkedAsSpam?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>;

Type declaration

  • Optional customerGroupIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>

    Filters customers to those with at least one of the given customer group IDs. Customers with no groups will not be included. Can be combined with other group filters.

  • Optional customerGroupKeys?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"][]>

    Filters customers to those with at least one of the given customer group keys. Customers with no groups will not be included. Can be combined with other group filters.

  • Optional isMarkedAsSpam?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>

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